Popular games like Angry Birds, a constant stream of cute and funny YouTube videos, intrusive social media platforms like LINE and WhatsApp - they are all \/ying for youngsters attention seemingly every minute of every day. This electronic glut has some benefits, yes For instance, parents can stay in touch with their children and monitor their activities with ease through smartphone apps and instant phone calls alike.
With increased digltisation, however, has come something rather less beneficial: ever-shrinking attention spans. These days most of us seem to suffer from the kind of fleeting cognitive focus that one might tend to associate with fruit flies. Many of us, youngsters especially, barely seem to have enough time in a day for checking out all those YouTube videos and for uploading a few more dozen selfies to Facebook or LINE. Sc inevitably, old habits like staying focused on tasks and paying attention to details must give. As for books, reading is, you know, so yesterday.
Sound gloomy? It should. It not just that our habits are changing, rather, the very neural oirouitries of cur brains - especially those of younger children - may be getting rewired and reprogrammed. Brains are malleable things. Even older people who once grew up reading books may find that, thanks to the instant allure of all those distractions literally at their Hngertips, they can no longer immerse themselves in lengthier texts for sustained periods of time. Their minds may start to wander and they may begin to turn fidgety within minutes. They may then find themselves checking their Facebook page just one more time or playing a few more rounds of Angry Birds or Plants vs Zombies 2 That book can wait . And wait.. And wait...