And needless to say, fine literature for children and adolescents do not begin and end with Harry Potter, there is a huge storehouse of classic children's literature out there, from the Grimm Brothers fairytales to Roald Dahl's deliciously subversive childrens classics.
In a truism that speaks for itself, the more children read, the better they get at it and the more they will enjoy reading. Conversely, the less they read. The worse they will get at reading and the less likely they will become to develop proper reading habits. Once younger children acoulre a habit for reading regularly for pleasure, they are far more likely to continue reading into their teens and adulthood later on.
An essential first step for getting children to read is to get them to do so as early as possible and at their own initiative. A simple and time-honoured yet nowadays oft-neglected activity is bedside reading. Parents who take the time to read to their Offspring regularly Will not only help their children some to appreciate the joys that can be derived from words on paper but will also help stimulate their childrens imagination as the young ones enter viscerally into as yet unexplored, whole new worlds of wonderful tales and storytelling.
Children should learn that books can be their friends and allies both in times of sadness and happiness. The presence of stacks of age-appropriate books in their bedrooms will serve as a great enticement towards e burgeoning life of literacy. The wider the range of books, the better: graphic novels, falrytales, science primers, picture books, books on history, on cultures, on wildlife. By having a wide range of books on hand waiting to strike their fancy, children are thus perennially tempted to embark on e\/er newer literary adventures of discovery.
Naturally enough, parents and teachers alike should lead by example: they should themselves cherish books and read regularly. Leaving lots of books and colourtul magazines around the home and the classroom is another handy technique for sparking children's curiosity. Likewise, by taking youngsters on regular visits to bookstores and libraries, adults can help introduce children to a veritable /4laddins cave of wonders that await inquisitive young minds right there in front of them in tome after tome. That way, klddos can also learn to become in;lepend@f*ln searching out books of their liking on their own.