วันจันทร์ที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557


Asher than weigh students down with disjointed, highly theoretical and passively conveyed ideas, teachers ought instead to lead them on adventures of discovery with real-lice examples and practical applications for newly learned knowledge, Whitehead argues. knowledge should be acquired and disseminated with a utilitarian purpose in mind. To be sure, an insistence on empiricism, logical coherence and intellectual consistency goes against a lot of faddish "postmodern" thegn/, much of which concerns itself with hopelessly self» referential, highly selective and subjective Welds of inquiry viewed through particular ideological prisms (militant feminism, critical race theory and the like).

And in the wrong hands - like those of out~and~out ideologues - education can be positively harmful, as history has amply proved. Instead of broadening young minds, demagogically inclined educators seal them shut, exposing yet another generation to the perils of thought-policed uniformity by marinating students in e stew of prejudicial nonsense. And this En pe lust es true in autocratic regimes as at bastions of radically "progressive" academia in the West.

But lets not digress The point is that ones intellectual habits of mind can wield great influence, for better or worse, on ones thoughts. Let Whitehead explain it:All practical teachers know thateducation is a patient process of the mastery of details, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. There is no royal road to learning through an airy path of generalizations" or of brilliantly constructed yet ultimately fallacious theories, one might add.

The sort of education that experts like Whitehead champion is a lively collegial examination, jointly embarked upon by teacher and student, of the world around them, now sketching out the whole picture with bold sweeping brushstrokes like fresco painters, now squinting and leaning up close like miniaturists to fill in smaller yet essential details. While e comprenenslve education bas muon to recommend it, there is nothing wrong with tne modem drive for specialization.

Owing to the vast amount of specialized knowledge required tor tne mastery of any given subject under the sun, the era of plausible Renaissance Men is long gone. Ultimately, it is not so muon about what subjects a curriculum teaches but about what habits of mind it cultivates in students. That is why the goal of nurturing a versatility of tnougltt should always be at pride of place in any curriculum. Tat way, whatever fields ot inquiry or intellectual pursuits students eventually decide to pursue for a career, they will likely be armed with a nealtby arsenal of mental attitudes.

They ought to be equally capable of employing the cold nard empiricism of scientists, of reasoning witri logical consistency like pnilosopners, of entertaining literary lights of fancy like novelists, and of appreciating lutes wonderful palette of experiences through tne eyes and ears of painters and musicians.pp

An education that counts


In his didactic work Phaedrus, Piano, who bounded what is believed to be the .world's first university in the tom of his Academy in classical Athens, laid out his ideals for education it should, the ancient Greek philosopher opined, bequeath on pupilsam acquired conviction that causes [them] to strive for excellence" in intetlectuai vitality and ethical behaviour alike. In other words, sohooiing should aim to improve our nature, transforming us into smarter, letter and more socially responsible people.

The very word "education" derives from the Latin educere, which meant "to raise up" and "to bead forth." education in Pianos view, isn't oust a process to equip us with certain skills, but rather a prolonged rite of passage that must bring the best out of each of us. Both cerebrally and morally. The lnfiuential French l9enalssance philosopher Michel de Montaigne echoed such sentiments by insisting that educationmust change us for the better," and a good education bas long been seen as a mark of ciyllized refinement. These days, in an era oi mess education with rather mixed results, such lofty aims often seem to or neglected if not outright ignored.

Many schools and teachers, both in Thailand and abroad, aim simply for the lowest common denominator oi their students, happily settling on rather mediocre results as acceptable outcomes of tutoring. They seek to help students pass standardized exams so they can complete ill-taught courses and often leave it at that. Students are expected to learn to read and write passably Weil, to do some calculations with a degree of proficiency and learn some basic facts about the world in which they live, and out the door they can go with some paps' certificates in hand Meanwhile, with an intensive focus on specialization, especially inmer years.

Many key subjects simply icii DV the wayside. Newly graduated so' may knOW nothing about history, literature or ind arts, grille literature, riistory and arts majors may have little clue about even basil soienoe. Neither science nor liberal arts majors in tun Way know trio first thing about bbilosobhy biology or bolitloal soienoe - im sllort anything outside their barrow field of academic interests.

And that should surely matter and or a cause for concern. Rigrlt from the start, many students receive little instruction in the protocols of learning (olden labelledstudy SkillS oy educators) and lass tnrougn long years of ostensibly tnorougn tutoring without ever learning to tnink for themselves or even so muon as understanding the need for doing do. As a result, many students remain unable to solace nevvly learned information into their proper contexts, evaluate claims on their empirical merits, or weigh tne pros and cons of various claims, conjectures and Drooositions.

in Thailand, the problem is turtler Compounded by cultural factors. Traditionally, Thai culture places less of a premium on learning than on wealth and status. Unlike, say, China, e country that nee historically valued education as per the ethos ot Confucian teachings, Thailand, or the Kingdom of Siam before l.., nas been less famous as a nation of intellectual pursuits and creative ambitions. Whats done is done, noweyer. Lts tne future towards wnicn we must turn our gaze. As Tnalland seeks to take on a leading role in the newly formed ASEAN Economic Community as of next year, the country will increasingly need a growing cadre of well-educated intellectuals who can halo not only lead it out of its current Dolitioai morass and but also assist the Kingdom in securing a place in the V@Qion not only as an economic but as a newly minted creative powerhouse.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557


History Ethics Art Science That's quite a wealth of subjects with which comic books can help teachers out. And then there is of course another: literature. By reading comics religiously, many youngsters, as they mature, naturally gravitate towards more serious literary fare.

"l started reading comics [as a child], and then I got into other types of fiction and literature." John Lowe, chair of the Sequential Art Department at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia, US, said in an interview. "I stopped reading comics a little later, but i don't think I would have made the leap [to literature] if it weren't for comics." Lowe helps cultivate his colleague students' love of cartoons, graphic novels and Japanese manga to help them master a variety of narrative techniques.

Jim Shooter. A onetime editor-in-chief at Marvel comics, famously instructed all his writers and artists to adhere to several clear rules in creating a coherent narrative along a pleasing arch from conflict to resolution in each and every story
1) introduce the characters properly;
2) Establish their situation;
3) introduce the conflict;
4) Build the suspense;
5) Reach the climax of the story;
6) Achieve a resolution. In effect,
These rules are simply a watered-down variation on Aristotle's Poetics, the worlds first dramatic theory, and reconstitute timeless advice on effective storytelling.

Another Marvel stalwart, Roy Thomas, who took over from Stan Lee as editor in chief, injected superhero adventures with knowing references to classical history and playful winks to pop culture, helping create a veritable smorgasbord of literary allusions for fans and scholars alike to mine muzu.

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557


For long decades, comic book artists languished on the periphery of the artistic world, ignored at best, derided as Work-for-hire hacks at Worst. The legendarily prolific and creative Iate and great Jack "King" Kirby, who is idolized by aficionados of comic book art as the genres undisiouted Michelangelo, toiled away for much of his career on endless series of Captain America, Fantastic Four Hulk, Thor and X-Men adventures in relative obscurity. Today, he is nailed as a master of artistic invention whose dynamic artworks have been cooled, imitated and emulated by legions of established artists and Wannabe artistes alike.

Jack Kirby

Kirby's drawings, and triode of other celebrated comic book artists like SpiderMan co-creator Steve Ditko, are displayed in museums as masterpieces of Pop art and are sought by collectors worldwide. Original artworks by these masters can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars a pop. in 2011, a copy of Action Comics #1, which saw Superman appear on its cover for the first time ever in a drawing by Joe Shunter, sold for a record $2,161,000.

"Each issue of [Kirby's] Captain America," notes British comic book author Grant Morrison in his excellent of the genre Supergods. Our World in the Age history of of the Superbero,was kinetic, brutally overwrougrit and sensationalistic. Each cover featured a new tableau of imminent superatrooity [including one on wnioh] Captain America launones himself tnrougb a wall on a motoroyole, destroying a portrait of Hitler on the way and simultaneously repelling a bail of bullets with hie Stars and Stripes shield..." Kirbys drawings did not just invite the eye, they left off the page, grabbed you by the lapel, and engrossed you instantly in a kinetio adventure of flying oversize fists, entangled limbs, sinevvy muscles and a flurry of frenzied yet clearly delineated action. Bing! Bang! Pooow!

To the uninitiated, comic books may look dime a dozen. To the well-trained eye, however, no two artists of any talent ever appear the same. For instance, Carmine lnfantino, the artist behind the lightning-fast superhero The Flash and his equally nimble sidekick, Kid Flash, rendered the characters with inventive zest and inspired artistic flourish. He drew them with a jazzy, expressive brushstroke and a battery of new visual effects to suggest the strobing blur of a superfast man in motion," explains Morrison. "Taking tips from Marcel Duchamps Nude Descending a Staircase and the Futurist canvases of Umberto Boccioni, lnfantinos Flash could become a multilimbed composite image of a body in motion through time." The work of such masters has much to teach students and aspiring young artists: about perspective and depth, about Symbolism, about using gestures and facial expressions to convey subtle and not so subtle emotions, about building suspense in a single image or in a series of images. On art classes from primary school all the way up to college, teachers can draw on a wealth of comic book art to illustrate drawing techniques and to help their students hone their creative skills in illustration - skills that may serve them well one day by proving invaluable in several professions like graphic design and advertising. On Thailand, where many youngsters both adore comics and seem to have a natural knack for drawing and illustrating, comic books can become important tools of instruction.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Learning History with Supes

American author and historian Bradford W. Wright has noted that "comic books are history", and that they are. And as they invariably help shape their young fans views of culture and history, teachers seeking to engage their students about 20th century history have a natural ally in superheroes. There are few landmark events of recent global history - be it the Vietnam War, the "flower power" counter-culture revolution or the fall of the Berlin Wall - that have not received ample attention in comic books. Admittedly, comics feature phantasmagorical plotlines and often take plenty of liberties with historical facts.

Nonetheless, they do draw inspiration from real-world events. For instance, Captain America, who first appeared in 1941 and came of age as a patriotic US soldier fighting Nazi Germany during the Second World War, is a natural for sparking his young fans curiosity about the period. So is superman, the granddaddy of superheroes. Dreamed up by two Jewish American high school students - budding writer Jerry Siegel end his friend Joe Snuster, an aspiring illustrator - in a flamboyant feat of teenage wish fulfilment, The Man of Steel burst onto the scene in June 1938, blazing the trail for all the other superheroes to follow in his wake.

Right from the get-go, he set out to tackle current problems, In that very first story by Siegel and Shyster in Action Comics #1, which would become a template for all subsequent superhero adventures, superman proved himself an indomitable social activist in the spirit of the eras New Deaf launched by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt: be took on slumlords, crooked businessmen and shady politicians - all within just 18 pages. superman never looked back. Over time The Man of Steel, aka The Man of Tomorrow, aka the Big Blue Boy Scout, aka the Last Son of Krypton, would acquire new powers - X-ray vision, freeze breath, laser gaze - but in his essence he has remained staunchly unadulterated ever since: an incorruptible do-gooder who always acts as a benevolent elder brother to his earthling friends. In the hands of a series of writers and artists who have long taken over from Siegel and Shuster at DC Comicssuperman has kept up his moralistic crusade with his bet causes reflecting the particular tears, worries and aspirations of each succeeding era and generation.

In this, he has been in lockstep with all the other greet Comic book heroes: from Batman, who first appeared in i989, to Spider-Man, who was created by the legendary Stan Lee in 1962. With his inimitable collaborator, the artist Jack Kirby, Lee also helped create The Fantastic Four, The X-Men, Iron Man, Thor and the Hulk, and be was esoecialiy attuned to the seismic shifts in popular moods throughout his long career at Marvel Comics.

Lee made a point ot ensuring that the adventures and moralising tendencies of Marvel's nerves reflected contemporary issues and concerns; civil rights and scientific progress in the 1960's, nuclear proliferation and anti-war sennmemts on the 1970s, gay rights and rampant drug abuse in the 1980s, with Kirby, Lee also created the Hast African American superhero, the Black Panther, m tees, In their Fantastic Four stones, meanwhile, the two set out to tackle popular prejudices head-on in the characters of the eponymous teenage mutants who are each blessed with their Own special powers yet are stunned by society for being different.

Like many an angstridden teen, characters like Wolverine, Nightcrawier, Storm and Shaolowcat are outsiders on the margins of society yearning for acceptance. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman, who was created in 1941, helped bias the trail for female empowerment in the 1940s, 50s and60s by embodying a strong, independent-minded woman who pasted her male adversaries with nonchalant ease. Throughout her long career, many a girls favourite heroine helped lead an AlD awareness campaign and featured on the Cover of the first issue of Ms.

Magazine, launched by feminist icon Gloria Steinem in 1972. Both inside the classroom and outside it, these heroes can help history - and the teaching of it - come alive for students at various ages and levels of education. Teachers can explore how contemporary comic books align with or deviate from actual historical events, how they taclkle contemporary social issues and how they reflect trends in popular culture in an interdisciplinary approach tailored to students' age and level of education, from primary school all the way up to university.

วันอังคารที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

cover new สามีตีตรา เนื้อเพลง

ฉันก็รักของฉัน cover นิว จิ๋ว สามีตีตรา
  • ฉันก็รักของฉัน (เพลงประกอบละคร สามีตีตรา)

    ฉันก็รักของฉัน (เพลงประกอบละคร สามีตีตรา) (นิว) เสียใจคนคนนี้ไม่ใช่ของเธอ ได้โปรดอย่ามาข้องแวะกันอีก ฉันหวังว่าคงเข้าใจ เพราะมันคือสิทธิ์ของฉันที่จะเรียกร้อง ขอให้เธอจงไปไกลไกล ไม่ต้องมาเจอ อย่ามาใกล้เขาได้ไหม * (นิว,จิ๋ว) ฉันก็รักของฉัน เข้าใจบ้างไหม ฉันมีสิทธิ์จะรักไม่ผิดใช่ไหม เธอก็น่าจะรู้มันเจ็บเพียงใด เหมือนโดนกรีดหัวใจถ้าเธอแย่งไปครอง ฉันก็รักของฉัน เข้าใจบ้างไหม เธอมีสิทธิ์อะไรมาบอกให้ทำใจ ฉันก็รัก จนจะเป็นจนจะตาย เธอไม่ต้อง เธอไม่ต้อง มาทำลายความรักเรา (จิ๋ว) เสียใจคนอย่างฉันก็มีหัวใจ ก็เจ็บก็ทนได้เหมือนกับเธอ ฉันหวังว่าคงเข้าใจ ถ้าเธอจะมาเรียกร้อง ให้เข้าใจเธอ แล้วฉันล่ะจะเป็นยังไง เมื่อไม่มีใคร เธอจะเจ็บแทนฉันไหม ( * ) (นิว,จิ๋ว) ไม่เธอกับฉันต้องมีสักคนเป็นคนไป อยู่ที่ว่าใครจะทนไม่ไหว ทนไม่ไหว.. ( * )

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Getting them to read again

For children to enjoy reading for its own sake, they need to be taught the joys of reading in the first place. The phenomenal success of British author JK Rowling's Harry Potter books proves that given the right stimulus and motivation, children can become little bookworms literally overnight.

And needless to say, fine literature for children and adolescents do not begin and end with Harry Potter, there is a huge storehouse of classic children's literature out there, from the Grimm Brothers fairytales to Roald Dahl's deliciously subversive childrens classics.

In a truism that speaks for itself, the more children read, the better they get at it and the more they will enjoy reading. Conversely, the less they read. The worse they will get at reading and the less likely they will become to develop proper reading habits. Once younger children acoulre a habit for reading regularly for pleasure, they are far more likely to continue reading into their teens and adulthood later on.

An essential first step for getting children to read is to get them to do so as early as possible and at their own initiative. A simple and time-honoured yet nowadays oft-neglected activity is bedside reading. Parents who take the time to read to their Offspring regularly Will not only help their children some to appreciate the joys that can be derived from words on paper but will also help stimulate their childrens imagination as the young ones enter viscerally into as yet unexplored, whole new worlds of wonderful tales and storytelling.

Children should learn that books can be their friends and allies both in times of sadness and happiness. The presence of stacks of age-appropriate books in their bedrooms will serve as a great enticement towards e burgeoning life of literacy. The wider the range of books, the better: graphic novels, falrytales, science primers, picture books, books on history, on cultures, on wildlife. By having a wide range of books on hand waiting to strike their fancy, children are thus perennially tempted to embark on e\/er newer literary adventures of discovery.

Naturally enough, parents and teachers alike should lead by example: they should themselves cherish books and read regularly. Leaving lots of books and colourtul magazines around the home and the classroom is another handy technique for sparking children's curiosity. Likewise, by taking youngsters on regular visits to bookstores and libraries, adults can help introduce children to a veritable /4laddins cave of wonders that await inquisitive young minds right there in front of them in tome after tome. That way, klddos can also learn to become in;lepend@f*ln searching out books of their liking on their own.

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Online Brains in the making

To be sure, the net offers numerous seminal advantages for learners, younger and older ones alike. For one, academic research that once entailed long sojourns in a Iibrary can new often be carried out with relative ease in a classroom or on the comfort of one's home by dint of a simple computer with an Internet connection. A few adept searches on Google, and students are armed with reams of pertinent data and detail.

By granting us immediate access to a huge and fast-expanding storehouse of information, the Internet is fast becoming a universal medium for many people. Yet as the Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan observed back in the 1960s, when the idea of an internet-like global electronic network was pure science fiction, the media we use not only aid our thoughts but also shape and reshape them. http://cafesk.lnwshop.com/webboard

"And what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation," Carr concedes. My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.

The author quotes Bruce Friedman, a pathologist at the University of Michigan Medical School and medical blogger, who likewise admits: I now have almost totally lost the ability to read and absorb a longish article on the web or in print. I can't read War and Peace anymore. I've lost the ability to do that. Even a blog cost of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.

In other words, instead of going for substance, many people, these experts included, have developed a habit for seeking convenience - handy bits of information that can be absorbed with the slightest mental effort. And if highly skilled readers and writers like these are experiencing such fast erosion in their attention spans, younger users, with their far less trained and far more malleable brains, are in even worse trouble. 
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Ultimately, the onus is on both parents and teachers to try and habituate children to reading well and a lot.

Minds in a FLUX


Once upon a time, life used to be a whole lot simpler. The lnternet as an ever-burgeoning global network of entertainment and information exchange was but a glint in the eye of a few scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, and video games were we yet fairly primitive and far less addictive, As for smartphones, they still resided in the realm of futurism and remained locked up as merely a promising thought at the Deck of Steve Jobs' mind.

True, there were numerous television channels - in the West, at any rate - that offered up long hours of mindless entenainment dairy. Yet by and large young people still had to cope with few digitalized toms of diversion to distract them. Many of them enjoyed burying themselves in novels and pursued a variety of good old-fashioned hobbies like Collecting stamps and building models. Those halcyon days, such as they Were, were a mere generation ago, in terms of personal habits, however, they might as well have been a century ago. These days, from the very Wrst few years of their lives, children are exposed to myriad gadgets - smartphones, tablets, laptops - that demand their undivided attention relentlessly with their endless offerings.

Popular games like Angry Birds, a constant stream of cute and funny YouTube videos, intrusive social media platforms like LINE and WhatsApp - they are all \/ying for youngsters attention seemingly every minute of every day. This electronic glut has some benefits, yes For instance, parents can stay in touch with their children and monitor their activities with ease through smartphone apps and instant phone calls alike.

With increased digltisation, however, has come something rather less beneficial: ever-shrinking attention spans. These days most of us seem to suffer from the kind of fleeting cognitive focus that one might tend to associate with fruit flies. Many of us, youngsters especially, barely seem to have enough time in a day for checking out all those YouTube videos and for uploading a few more dozen selfies to Facebook or LINE. Sc inevitably, old habits like staying focused on tasks and paying attention to details must give. As for books, reading is, you know, so yesterday.

Sound gloomy? It should. It not just that our habits are changing, rather, the very neural oirouitries of cur brains - especially those of younger children - may be getting rewired and reprogrammed. Brains are malleable things. Even older people who once grew up reading books may find that, thanks to the instant allure of all those distractions literally at their Hngertips, they can no longer immerse themselves in lengthier texts for sustained periods of time. Their minds may start to wander and they may begin to turn fidgety within minutes. They may then find themselves checking their Facebook page just one more time or playing a few more rounds of Angry Birds or Plants vs Zombies 2 That book can wait . And wait.. And wait...


Like drill sergeants in the army, disciplinarians in schools are simply far better at getting things dome, Prof Poplin argues. She quotes a fourthgrader, who has come to the same conclusions on her own. "When I was in first grade and second grade and third grade, when i cried my teachers coddled me," the student explained. "When I got to (teacher) Mrs T's room, she told me to suck it up and get to work. I think she's right I need to work harder."

Creativity is not a gift from God, it's a learned trait. Robert W Weinberg, a professor of psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia, has studied a series of geniuses from Einstein to Picasso. His verdict: they were not born great, they made themselves greet through sheer tenacity and hard work. Or in simple layman terms: "practice makes perfect" - just as Lipman's music teacher insisted by expecting his students to work hard and then harder.

And tenacity, too, is a learned treat. Children can learn to be perseverant if they are expected to be so. Conversely, heaps of praise Lavished, unearned, on children can have a corrosive influence on their motivation.

Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, has found that 10-year-olds who were praised for being "smart" lost confidence, being clearly aware that the praise may have been unjustified. Yet those children who were told that they were "hard workers" became more confident and did end up working harder to prove the validity of that assessment.

"There is something to be said about a teacher who is demanding and tough not because he thinks students will never learn but because he is so absolutely certain that they will," Lipman sums up.

She cites a former classmate of hers who went on to become a professional cellist. By expecting the best from his students, their irascible music teacher taught his charges about the redeeming virtues of resilience and hard work, the cellist opined: "He Taught us how to fail! and how to pick ourselves up again.".

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Bringing back The 'ROD'


"He that spares the rod hates his child, but he that loves his child chastens him et times." So counsels the Bible (Proverbs 13:24) in a timeless hit of wisdom, which came to gain a new lease on life as a modern proverb in a famous formulation of it by the iconoclastic 19th century English poet Samuel Butler: "Spare the rod and spoil the child."

Such strident Victorian-era practices, which saw scores of children caned, whipped and knuckle-rapped mercilessly by irascible teachers and pedantic schoolmasters, is anathema today in modern educational systems, and rightly so. Children are not the playthings of adults and should not be at their mercy over any violations of rules and etiquettes, real or perceived.

Most progressive educators frown upon the very idea of corporal punishment, insisting that physical punishments can inflict lasting emotional and psychological damage on children, if not outright bodily harm. Yet taken to extremes, a permissive attitude, too, can be harmful.

In line with the orthodoies of the ubiquitous self-help industry, which often portrays the twin virtues of self-esteem and positive thinking as cure-alls for all.


Thai educators and policymakers are well aware of the problems that have been bedevilling the country's educational system. Some of these problems may be relatively easy to tackle, others may require years or decades of hard work. To cope with the changes that the AEC will bring to theThai higher education sector, the Ministry of education's Office of Higher education Commission (OHEC) has hit the ground mining by laying out several strategies for short-term improvement.

The strategies include efforts to increase Thai graduates English language proficiency and professional skills for work in multicultural environments. They include initiatives to boost the quality of research, instruction and innovation at Thai colleges and universities. And they include projects to promote Thailand as a regional education hub for students from neighbouring countries as well as from across the region. Such ambitious plans will entail reforming the teaching of foreign languages; boosting cultural exchange programs; and facilitating the mobility of students both "vertically" (moving abroad for a higher degree) and "horizontally" (Studying abroad for a term or terms as part of a degree).

Efforts are also under way to revise and update local curricula according to international standards. Meanwhile, more and more educational institutions are also placing an emphasis on improving their students analytical and problem-solving skills to better equip them for the challenges of work in the international knowledge economy. Leading the pack is Chulalongkorn University, one of the Kingdoms most prestigious institutions, which has launched several international study programs to prepare both its faculty and its students for the formation of the AEC next year, with a special focus on areas of science, engineering, and health.

Other universities are seeking to boost the qualifications of teachers at various levels of tuition from kindergarten up. Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University has embarked on a project, hand in hand with 14 primary schools, aimed at improving the skills of teachers of English at those schools by help of training courses offered loots through the universitvs Foreign Language Center and its international College. English will become the official language of ASEAN next year so proficiency in the tongue will be increasingly required of Thai students, teachers and professionals alike.

In a further benefit to Thailands educators and students, the AEC will facilitate academic conferences, symposia, study programs and cultural exchanges. All in all, plenty of exciting new developments lie in store for the Kingdom and many local educational institutions are gearing up for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Simply getting by with the same old habits that have proven to have failed the country's students en masse will no longer do.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557


The Kingdom clearly has its work cut out for it. Thailand's educational system focuses on rote learning, which dissuades students from independent thinking and merely expects them to regurgitate pre-packaged bits of data and information with nary a thought about their use, validity or importance.

The result is that Thai students tend to fare poorly on even basic general knowledge tests. And routinely, despite often learning English (and other languages) for years, they can barely communicate in the global lingua franca beyond speaking a jumbled pidgin variety of the tongue, If that.

Most foreign English teachers in the Kingdom are familiar with the peculiar phenomenon of Thai students who major in English at colleges and universities and yet can barely string a coherent sentence together in the foreign tongue, let alone communicate effectively in it. The best many Thai students manage is to shyly parrot pre-taught sentences, with "How are you? I am fine, thank you and you?" being the most common.

And that despite the fact that English has been a core subject in Thailand for decades. Invariably, the fault lies with the teachers themselves. A fairly recent study, in collaboration with Cambridge University, of Thai teachers of English found that a staggering 60 percent of them barely spoke the language adequately themselves, many of them could not speak it well enough to teach basic English even in primary school.

Often, for want of qualified teachers, members of faculty who could manage a few words on English had simply been pressed into service at English Classes by school administrators. Not surprisingly, of the remaining 40 percent of teachers surveyed, only half were teaching grades for which they were qualified. Overall, only a meagre 3 percent of teachers had passable levels of fluency in English at all. On a final insult, at some primary schools students scored higher or random language tests than their teachers did.

Schools and educational authorities have set out to remedy the problem of poor language teaching standards by subjecting Thai teachers to more rigorous testing and training programs. They have also been working to hire more native English speakers. Both are worthwhile efforts. The latter, however, has been undermined somewhat by the inadequate screening of candidates at several institutions, which means that native speakers teaching English to Thai students at various ages often lack the necessary academic credentials and teaching qualifications for the job.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557



The results are in and they ain't pretty. According to the World Economic Forum's "Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014," Thailand ranks at a dismal 8th place in the 10 members ASEAN grouping when comes to its educational systems suitability for meeting the needs of a competitive economy. The Kingdom finished even below its impoverished northern neighbour, Laos, and just above Cambodia.
Globally, the situation looks bleaker still. In the quality of its primary education the country ranks - steady yourself at place 86 out of 148 countries. The overall ranking of Thailand's educational system also places it squarely in mid-table, at 78th place out of the same 148 nations surveyed. Meanwhile, according to the most recent scores of to Programme for international Student Assessment (PISA), Thailand is sitting pretty in the bottom 25 percent - at 50th place out of 65 countries surveyed. Tne country's then education minister Chaturon Chaisaeng declared himself "stunned" at the results.
Perhaps he should not have been. The Kingdom's shortcomings in almost all areas of education are nothing new. In 2010, for instance, Thailand ranked 116th out of 163 countries on the global charts for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), landing among the bottom five countries even in Asia together with Vietnam, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor). In general, Thai students did poorly equally on speaking, listening, writing and reading. 

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Frequently Ask Question by Bed GM

I didn't know that you guys had a restaurant. I thoughf that you were only a club.
Yup, nine years later, this is still the biggest misconception that we have. Since the beginning (2002) we have always had the restaurant, but it often and unfortunately, stands in the shadow of the clubbing aspect. We are currently offering more special dinners (wine dinners, tequila weekend dinners, etc), in an on-going effort to push the visibility of the restaurant.

What time do you close?
On most nights, we are open until 2 am. However, with local approval, our busier nights usually remain open until 3 am (at least at the time of this printing).

My taxi driver took us to Soi 26 rather than here to Soi 11. Whats up with that?
Because our address is actually '26, Soi Sukhumvit 11, many drivers/concierges incorrectly read the address and believe that we are on Soi 26 rather than Soi 11 - a difference of about one hour in traffic. Frustrating indeed We always make sure that the concierges around town have the Bed Supperclub map.

How's business?
Good Very good. We've been very blessed. Yes, Thailand has had some rough challenges in the past few years including the recent floods, but we have been very fortunate to miss the most brutal parts of these challenges. We chalk this up to a great loyalty base of guests and our own willingness to invest in creativity and changing the themes often.

How do l receive a Bed World card?
Our Bed World card is given to guests strictly through word of mouth to those who have shown incredible loyalty over the years. As of late, we are granting Bed World cards only to guests that are repeat diners in the restaurant.

May I book a hen party, birthday party, ofice party, Christmas party at Bed? Yes, of course. We offer attractive packages for each of these item plus several more. For more information, please contact us.

How do you describe the food at Bed?
Modern eclectic cuisin.

Why do I need an ID? Why are you so strict? From the Foreign and Commonwealth website here in Thailand: By law, you must carry your passport with you at all times in Thailand. Tourists have been arrested because they were unable to produce their passport. Although this is rare, because we are a very high profile venue, the local authorities do keep a very close eye on us. Thus, we ask all guests to carry an official, government issued ID a good copy of your passport is fine.

I heard that you changed your menu - is this true? It ls. For the past 10 years, Sun-Thurs, we offered a three-course set menu. As of Feb, 2011, we offer a menu that is no longer restricted by a set, but is much more flexible (a Ia carte) to give our guests greater freedom when ordering. We also offer half-size food portions and the kitchen is open longer. I would like do buy some Bed merchandise,

Do you have anything I can buy? We do. Tons We sell several T-shirts, CDs, books, umbrellas, Champagne flutes, shot glasses, and more. Please ask any staff to assist.

If I wanted more information on what's going on at Bed, what would you suggest? . Please make sure that you follow us on Twitter and on Facebook.

Design Icon : 10 principles for good design

1. Good design is innovative The possibilities or innovation are not, by any means, exhausted. Technological development is always offering new opportunities for innovative design. But lnnovative design always develops in tandem with innovative technology, and can never be an end in itself.

2. Good design makes a product useful A product is bought to be used. It has to satisfy certain criteria, not only functional but also psychological and aesthetic. Good design emphasizes the usefulness of a product whilst disregarding anything that could possibly detract from it.

3. Good design is aesthetic The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products we use every day affect our person and our well-being But only well-executed object can be beautiful.

4. Good design makes a product understandable It clarifies the products structure. Better still, it can make the product talk. At best it is selfexplanatory.

5. Good design is unobtrusive Products fulfilling a purpose are like tools. They are neither Decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained, to leave room for the users selfexpression.

6. Good design is honest It does not make product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept.

7. Good design is long-lasting It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated. Unlike fashionable design, it lasts many years even in todays throwaway society.

8. Good design is thorough, down to the last detail Nothing must be arbitrary or left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design process show respect towards the consumer.

9. Good design is environmentally friendly Design makes an important contribution to the preservation of the environment. It conserves resources and minimizes physical and visual pollution throughout the lifecycle of the product.

10. Good Design is as little design as possible Less but better, because it concentrates on the essential aspects, and the products are not burdened with non-essentials. Back to purity, back to simplicity.

Good Design

Gettlng to know you

Bed Sheets turns the spotlight on our Bed World Card members

What's your favourite noise? It's got to be the sound of four or five ice cubes in a cocktail shaker along with three or four spirits and a mixer or two, then I always start to feel better. Its a Pavlovian response thing for me.

What's your least favourite noise? This one is entirely personal and I know it doesnt bother other people the way it bothers me. I HATE people whistling along to music in pubs and bars! lm sure if John Lennon or Jimi Hendrix thought their songs needed a guy whistling on it, they'd have added one! (Actually John Lennon did on his Jealous Guy song- Ed)

What would you change if we gave you the chance do change anything? After 10 years in Thailand, l'd love to see honest politicians working for the benefit of their own country. I see Thailand being left behind because of a lack of coherent, workable policies, especially concerning education. Thai people deserve better.

What turns you on creatively? Words. I'm a writer at heart, my dad writes short stories for Thai magazines and newspapers. I'm his unpaid editor/proof reader. I'm about halfway through writing my own novel, he can't wait to get his revenge. Also when l'm watching a movie, it's always the script that fires me up rather than the actors or the score.

When have you never been so wrong? I can't believe l'm telling you this, but I once signed up for muay thai lessons. I thought l'd picked the perfect teacher - ex-monk, trained with US Marine Corps. One day he invited me to his house for dinner and then asked me to sleep with his wife, while he watched from the sidelines! lt was difficult to refuse - the man was a trained killer, but eventually I made my excuses and left, unmolested.

If you could dine at bed with two celebrities who would fey be? ls this one of those 'alive or dead people' questions? Ok easy.. I'll take Elvis Presley alive and Justin Bieber dead.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would if be? That would have to be Charley Brown's fajitas, I know it's a shameless plug, but we use so many fresh ingredients, I can make it taste different every time and l'd need some of our awesome margaritas, too.
Charley Brown's fajitas

If someone wrote a biography about you, what should the title be? Well, l'd probably write it myself (to protect the innocent) but it would be called Sorry - I Was Joking..

Mostly How would you describe your best night out in three words? Friends, music and bed (l'm not brown-nosing here, most of my best nights out involve bed Supperclub at some point.) 

What's the best thing about living in Thailand? Randomness. You meet so many amazing, interesting people in the oddest places. A quiet drink on a Monday night can quickly turn into an all-night party that ends in some cool little bar you've never been to before. My New Years Eve finished at 10am, wearing jeans in a swimming pool drinking breakfast beers with eight strangers and two friends.

What's Thailand's best kept secret? Part of me doesn't want to say, 'cos l like that it's a secret but Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. The difference is, you need to sleep over the night before, wake up at 5am and see the market in the dawn mist before all the tourists get there and ruin it. And then you can come back to Bangkok on the Grand Canal in a long-tailed boat. It's a fantastic experience.

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

All u need is money!!

"It smelled like turpentine, it looked like Indian ink" went the amusing 1959 Leiber and Stoller song, but actually it's Chanel No.5 I think of if asked to equate scent and love; romantic and sexual love as opposed to friendship and goodwill to all. Chanel believed women should wear perfume wherever they hoped to be kissed, and conceived of this iconic perfume in the 1920s. It is still one of the world's most popular scents selling a bottle every 30 seconds. So, in these difficult financial times, could l indulge in a little perfume plagiarism and copy it with natural plant essences? Unfortunately the answer is not really, and it wouldnt be any cheaper than the original, nor would it last as long.

The grandmother of Chanel No.5 was Cologne No 1 developed for Tzarina Alexandra of Russia which was later developed into another blend intended to celebrate the 300th year of the Romanoff dynasty. Both perfumes contained a lot of rose and jasmine, some of the most expensive scents in the world. This is because they come from flowers. It takes 30 roses to make one drop of rose essence. Another expensive floral, orange blossom, was also added to Chanel No. 5, and it's base note sandalwood has always been costly as it takes so long to grow and is now an endangered species due to over harvesting. So recreating this opulent scent would be pricy. You would also need to employ a chemist as its intensity and longevity Come from the use of aldehydes-organic substances which boost the scent.

Chanel No.5 sold consistently through the great depression and World War 2 and the tiniest bottle is still selling like hotcakes at over $100 a quarter ounce. Sales of luxurygoods have the not been destroyed by the recent and ongoing world recession. One reason for this is because the rich get richer or retain their wealth while those below are squeezed. With its elegant packaging and cachet-filled history you simply can't recreate this luxurious love potion.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557


Brings stylish and affordable accommodation for next generation travelers to the heart of Bangkok’s entertainment district.
With metropolitan-inspired design, the 296 rooms feature loft like decor with soaring nine foot ceilings, Aloft signafure platform beds, oversized spa showers and Bliss Spa products. 

Where is it?
Soi Sukhumvit 11, right across the road from Bed Supperclub and just a few minutes’ walk from Nana BTS skytrain station.

What? the rate per night?
2,111++ THB per night for a Chic room or
2,411++ THB per night for an Urban Room
Both rates are inclusive of tuk tuk shuttle service from Nana BTS Skytrain station and Sukhumvit MRT Subway station, and include free entry to Bed Supperclub and QBar.
This special introductory rate is valid till the end of March.

So tell us more about the rooms
Business or pleasure, Work or play, each loftlike space keeps you connected.
Your always-available in-room “office” includes an ergonomic workspace, plus fast and free wired and wireless high speed internet access. You have your own entertainment centre thanks to plug ‘n’ play, our one-stop connectivity station. Its got plenty of plugs to juice up all your electronics laptop, cell phone, MP3 player, and more and connect them to a 42″ LCD TV. A flip of the switch gives you high-def screening of your favourite flicks.
In the sleek and stylish bathroom, details are designed to stimulate your senses. Natural light illuminates the walk-in shower through a full-length frosted glass panel, which faces the guest room for a free How of light with plenty of privacy.

How’s the bar?
The W XYZsm bar is the signature modern bar for all Aloft hotels over the World. The A new hippest bar is on level 1 – the perfect spot to launch an evening entertainment or meet, mix and mingle with old & new friend after
a day of adventure over Molecular cocktails and scrumptious snacks. It provides the perfect vibe for pre and post-parties. The cocktail list
is enticing; one essential is the B52+1, which exploits molecular mixology to the max to create a shot that stimulates the senses and gets any party started.

What’s in the neigbbourhood?
From the capital’s hippest eateries and bars to some the cities best street food and shopping. B21ngkoks latest and greatest new shopping centre, Terminal 21 is just minutes away.


วันอังคารที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Recommended Items

Wrap up in a watch with layers of style. The gun-metal leather strap and silver/black f inished jewellery chains attach directly to the watch, making it easy to dress up your outs it with just the one accessory. Each watch is handmade, and if the styles available dot tickle your fancy, you can design your own at http://www.lamercollections.com/shop

Scoring a date gets much easier when you've got Pickups & Come-Ons by your side. With context-specific lines, such as, "Seriously, yours beautiful, but its your soul l'm interested in," for use in temple or church (obviously), its guaranteed to give you something to say, and laugh about, too.

This portable wireless speaker packs 85 decibels of piercing tweets and booming woofs, enough to fill the biggest rooms. Use it to play music from your iPhone, be blasted by your video game's SFX, or use the microphone to turn your conversation into a hands-free chat. With 10 hours of continuous play, there are no docks or wires in your way. And when you buy this Limited Edition JAMBOX, $50 goes to charity:water to bring clean drink water to those living without. jawbone.com

Get into colourblocking this spring in a cobalt woven maxi dress with grosgrain trim at the deep V neck and leather trim at the waist. Its the perfect meet-up of clean lines and feminine. 

London illustrator Yasmin Sandytia has brought her playful tweak on life to your table, with a collection that reinterprets your grandmas china set. Only when yours up close do you realise rats and skulls are dancing beneath your meal. Not the most appetizing sight, but an imaginative one.

Kick back in a limited edition (only 33 available) wingback chair upholstered in art by Kozyndan. Light waves hide tiny bunnies, the artists signature, on a sturdy classic chair thats been hand cut and as- sembled in the UK. Lt The perfect place for daydreaming. View more limited edition art prints.

If you've got into the spirit of Valentine's Day, trot out with your loved one in these lo-cut Vans in red velvet. Or if yours mending a broken heart this year, wear the shoe in Astral Aura Blue. B 1650.