วันอังคารที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557
Spiceroads Cycle Tours @BURMA
Burma |
Bhutan - Paro to Punakha: The Bhutanese are proud of their heritage and Work hard to maintain it and this bicycle tour introduces an isolated country where Tibetan Buddhism is integral to the culture. The stunning mountains with dense forests teeming with birds compete with the historic dzongs (fortresses). Monasteries and temples and the charming locals vie for your attention on this tour. The April 22nd tour is set to go. Also scheduled are departures in June. 1 August September and October. Cost is US$2,100
Burma - Mandalay to Bayan: Burmas legacy of a proud and powerful former kingdom dates back 1,000 years and the temples that remain throughout the country are a testament to that era. From Kiplings Mandalay you will travel via the Irrawaddy River. To the temples at Bayan and end with a visit to the Shwedagon Pays in Yangon. Scheduled tours are set for July. October and November Tour cost is US$1,950.
Cambodia - Phnom Penh to Siem Reap: Cycling is the perfect Way to absorb the rich history left behind by the Khmers of Cambodia between the 9th and 14th century From the capital of Phnom Penh. A modern city that has retained its colonial charm. You will visit the ancient capital of Oudong and a complex of temples that are the oldest in Cambodia. In Siem Reap we explore the UNESCO World Heritage site of Angkor Wat while also taking the in local lifestyles. Tours depart in May July September October November and December. Tour cost is US$1,250.
more : http://muka-1.weebly.com/about-us.html
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Bib Gourmand for La Marmite: Aqua Restaurant Group's modern take on the traditional Parisian bistros, La Marmite has been awarded a 'Bib Gourmand' in the latest Michelin guide. The "Bib Gourmand" is awarded to the Michelin critics' favorite restaurants with great cuisine. At affordable prices. These restaurant are often neighborhood favorites.
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La Marmite |
La Marmite is the only French bistros to receive a Michelin award in this years Hong Kong guide. Guests to La Marmite, located an Staunton Street in the heart of Soho, can expect a host of brand-new delectable dishes to celebrate the awards: Coq de Bressc au vin de Bordeaux a coq au vin dish prepared with a specially selected, seasonal wine and St Pierre poché dans sa sauce aux moules, servi avec. seiches et pommel vapeurs a la moutarde` (John Dory poached in a mussel sauce, cuttlefish, roasted pistachio and Steamed mustard potatoes).
The brain behind the menu at La Marmite is Executive Philippine Orrico a Michelin-star chef in his own right. (Soho at 46 Staunton Street, Central. Hong Kong)
วันเสาร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557
Cannes Film Festival
children and adults during the stormy days of the summer of 1965.
วันพุธที่ 11 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557
The UK is celebrating 60 years of Queen Elizabeth is reign this year. The Berkeley a luxury London hotel located in fashionable Knightsbridge, is paying homage to the Diamond Jubilee in true majestic style With the launch of `Prét-a-Portea - The Royal Collection. From 29th May to 9th June 2012, biscuits, fancies and choux buns Will be transformed to resemble the most memorable hats worn by the Royal Family, marking The Queens 60th anniversary on the throne. The Royal Collection includes praline profiterole inspired by the much-talked-about Philip Treacy fascinator worn by Princess Beatrice at the Royal Wedding, as Well as Queen Elizabeths legendary crown, Worn for her coronation in 1953, recreated as a vanilla biscuit with intricate icing and sugar diamonds.
Angela Kellys Canadian maple leaf hat, Worn by Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, during her visit to Canada, has been carefully prepared in the form of a bright red strawbeny panda cotta macaroon, whilst a stately blueberry hat cake with sugar roses and green leaves is inspired by a Rachel Trevor-Morgan design, one of Queen Elizabeths favourite British milliners.
Other royal show-Stoppers making an appearance on The Berkeleys tea stand include: Gina Fosters memorable fascinator Worn by Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, at Zara Phillips wedding, a light pink floral hat, recently worn by Queen Elizabeth in Canada, and of course a Launer London handbag cake, as carried by Queen Elizabeth at the Royal Wedding.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2557
Ancient Buddha Picture Exhibition
Capo Capo Capo Tuner Tuner Tuner
As its name suggests, it has a good collection of replicas of important places - historical sites, old temples and old palaces from around the country, such as Panom Roong Sanctuary, Phra Viharn Sanctuary, Chaiya Temple, Phra Buddha Bat Saraburl Temple, and Wag Maya That Sukhothai Temple. Tram service is very convenient and you can get on or oft anywhere you wi.sh capo. Taw Some of the new attractions are villages of the people in the north, south, northeast and central regions, which all tells stories of daily lives of people around the nation as well as unique culture. If we have a bird-eye view of the place, the Ancient City may looks like the map of Thailand with the main entrance at the southern most point of the country capo.
After a good look, lets refresh yourself at one of many food shops. This is to let visitors explore Thailand starting from the Srivijaya Empire and then move up to the central region, northeastern region and the northern region.
Coming here, visitors will see major attractions all around the country. Today, the Ancient City is slightly more than 50 years old. One may take a bicycle and ride around the place or get into the tram if you wish to experience the old way of life capo. Donlt forget to check our souvenir shops in a village by the canal that is decorated in an anciml stye Take a short rest and eat boat noodles, grilled chicken and somtam or papaya salad, you will find this a real pleasure, a simple happinesscapo. New attractions have been added to the original ancient building replicas capo.
33 The Ancient City is an ideal attraction for visitors who have limited time. Lt You can take a bus No capo. On your left hand side on the Pak Nam - Bangpu Road or the old Sukhumvit Road at k.m. Turuu Lilnvlwiu 08.00 - 17.00 u. Up to you If you want to have an enjoyable excursion and see more, why not try the AncientCity capo. The Ancient City opens daily from 08.00 - 17.00.
NS Capo Tuner
was first built in 1963 and completed in 1972. The Ancient City is located at Bangpu Subdistrict, Muaeng District, Samut Prakarn. When your stomas is full, pool breeze from the canal can easily make you sleep. This has earlier served as the shooting location for many movies and television commercials, including Tourism Authority of Thailand's W commercials.
Watch out! la's very easy to travel to the Ancient City. You can drive a car throughout the Ancient City or hire a golf cart to travel around. These buildings were constructed in smaller scales with the same look as the original buildings. 25 or 102 or 145 to Pak Nam and take minibus from Pk Nam Market to the Ancient City which is 8 kilometres away capo.
On Paton Road in the city of Chiang Mai, mere is a modern Linna style house in the post and pier style. The beauty oi this house comes from the age of the wood and the lush decoration. These days, it is both a resident and also a venue where events can be held auspiciously and so it has become very famous among both Thais and foreigners. monfai House - or Ban monfai - welcomes all visitors who first climb the stairs t0 the three detached houses. The front house is used to display historical items.
Some of which are still in use. Walk past the spacious lobby and you will come to the biggest three-stored house, which is the home of Adam Rumpat Gotkaew. L came from the suburbs to study in Chiang Mai City. When i visited my home town. I found that children spent their time grasping and learning new technology buf had no chance do discover old traditions.
L felt Sorry when I saw so many local people demolishing their old houses. L decided that /would make a serious effort to study Lanna tradition and how do conserve if. Her good will enabled her to bring the house to life from her own savings.
She has also organized classes for students to learn about Linna art, handicrafts, music and Derformance so as to maintain those traditions. L. Is not just about wearing Thai classical costumes every Friday buf teaching the children do wear sarongs in their daily foufine, For those who have never worn it before, it can be difhcult to start with. Buf once they fry if, they love it and feel that if is cool.
Lc lc you would like to learn more about al fabrics and Lanny traditions, then Ban Monfar is an excellent resource that also acts as a fashion house that provides many different outfits to be purchased or borrowed for different occasions.
In particular, these days many foreigners have become fond of coming to arrange their wedding ceremonies in Thailand and they like to come to Ban monfai to have an opportunity to wear traditional Thai clothes along with their families and friends. Some people even fly to Chiang Mai in a big group just to arrange their wedding ceremony in Thai tradition and that is how they have opportunity to dress these outfits. As pard of the Lanny wedding atmosphere, he bride and groom have the chance to have the feeling that they are really princess and prince, while family members can also be dressed like royalty and guests like millionaires. Meanwhile, our staff dress like ordinary villagers and take care of the ceremony, and provide northern style catering and cultural performances so that everything runs smoothly. " Organizing auspicious ceremonies like this according to Lanna traditions is part of the local wisdom that Ajarn Rumpat is carefully passing on to younger generations.
L. Is teaching this wisdom that gives her the most pride. The children who study with her do not just learn knowledge but they stay with her as part of a family. They follow the Linna lifestyle from when they were young to when they become adults. The young girls are happy to dress in the traditional style and live the Thai way of life.
They do not think of it just as a fashion. As a result, Ban monfai is always filled with the atmosphere of Lanny because of the determination of its owner. T
Phang Nga Mu Ko Surin
วันจันทร์ที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Asher than weigh students down with disjointed, highly theoretical and passively conveyed ideas, teachers ought instead to lead them on adventures of discovery with real-lice examples and practical applications for newly learned knowledge, Whitehead argues. knowledge should be acquired and disseminated with a utilitarian purpose in mind. To be sure, an insistence on empiricism, logical coherence and intellectual consistency goes against a lot of faddish "postmodern" thegn/, much of which concerns itself with hopelessly self» referential, highly selective and subjective Welds of inquiry viewed through particular ideological prisms (militant feminism, critical race theory and the like).
And in the wrong hands - like those of out~and~out ideologues - education can be positively harmful, as history has amply proved. Instead of broadening young minds, demagogically inclined educators seal them shut, exposing yet another generation to the perils of thought-policed uniformity by marinating students in e stew of prejudicial nonsense. And this En pe lust es true in autocratic regimes as at bastions of radically "progressive" academia in the West.
But lets not digress The point is that ones intellectual habits of mind can wield great influence, for better or worse, on ones thoughts. Let Whitehead explain it:All practical teachers know thateducation is a patient process of the mastery of details, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. There is no royal road to learning through an airy path of generalizations" or of brilliantly constructed yet ultimately fallacious theories, one might add.
The sort of education that experts like Whitehead champion is a lively collegial examination, jointly embarked upon by teacher and student, of the world around them, now sketching out the whole picture with bold sweeping brushstrokes like fresco painters, now squinting and leaning up close like miniaturists to fill in smaller yet essential details. While e comprenenslve education bas muon to recommend it, there is nothing wrong with tne modem drive for specialization.
Owing to the vast amount of specialized knowledge required tor tne mastery of any given subject under the sun, the era of plausible Renaissance Men is long gone. Ultimately, it is not so muon about what subjects a curriculum teaches but about what habits of mind it cultivates in students. That is why the goal of nurturing a versatility of tnougltt should always be at pride of place in any curriculum. Tat way, whatever fields ot inquiry or intellectual pursuits students eventually decide to pursue for a career, they will likely be armed with a nealtby arsenal of mental attitudes.
They ought to be equally capable of employing the cold nard empiricism of scientists, of reasoning witri logical consistency like pnilosopners, of entertaining literary lights of fancy like novelists, and of appreciating lutes wonderful palette of experiences through tne eyes and ears of painters and musicians.pp
An education that counts
The very word "education" derives from the Latin educere, which meant "to raise up" and "to bead forth." education in Pianos view, isn't oust a process to equip us with certain skills, but rather a prolonged rite of passage that must bring the best out of each of us. Both cerebrally and morally. The lnfiuential French l9enalssance philosopher Michel de Montaigne echoed such sentiments by insisting that educationmust change us for the better," and a good education bas long been seen as a mark of ciyllized refinement. These days, in an era oi mess education with rather mixed results, such lofty aims often seem to or neglected if not outright ignored.
Many schools and teachers, both in Thailand and abroad, aim simply for the lowest common denominator oi their students, happily settling on rather mediocre results as acceptable outcomes of tutoring. They seek to help students pass standardized exams so they can complete ill-taught courses and often leave it at that. Students are expected to learn to read and write passably Weil, to do some calculations with a degree of proficiency and learn some basic facts about the world in which they live, and out the door they can go with some paps' certificates in hand Meanwhile, with an intensive focus on specialization, especially inmer years.
Many key subjects simply icii DV the wayside. Newly graduated so' may knOW nothing about history, literature or ind arts, grille literature, riistory and arts majors may have little clue about even basil soienoe. Neither science nor liberal arts majors in tun Way know trio first thing about bbilosobhy biology or bolitloal soienoe - im sllort anything outside their barrow field of academic interests.
And that should surely matter and or a cause for concern. Rigrlt from the start, many students receive little instruction in the protocols of learning (olden labelledstudy SkillS oy educators) and lass tnrougn long years of ostensibly tnorougn tutoring without ever learning to tnink for themselves or even so muon as understanding the need for doing do. As a result, many students remain unable to solace nevvly learned information into their proper contexts, evaluate claims on their empirical merits, or weigh tne pros and cons of various claims, conjectures and Drooositions.
in Thailand, the problem is turtler Compounded by cultural factors. Traditionally, Thai culture places less of a premium on learning than on wealth and status. Unlike, say, China, e country that nee historically valued education as per the ethos ot Confucian teachings, Thailand, or the Kingdom of Siam before l.., nas been less famous as a nation of intellectual pursuits and creative ambitions. Whats done is done, noweyer. Lts tne future towards wnicn we must turn our gaze. As Tnalland seeks to take on a leading role in the newly formed ASEAN Economic Community as of next year, the country will increasingly need a growing cadre of well-educated intellectuals who can halo not only lead it out of its current Dolitioai morass and but also assist the Kingdom in securing a place in the V@Qion not only as an economic but as a newly minted creative powerhouse.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557
"l started reading comics [as a child], and then I got into other types of fiction and literature." John Lowe, chair of the Sequential Art Department at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia, US, said in an interview. "I stopped reading comics a little later, but i don't think I would have made the leap [to literature] if it weren't for comics." Lowe helps cultivate his colleague students' love of cartoons, graphic novels and Japanese manga to help them master a variety of narrative techniques.
Jim Shooter. A onetime editor-in-chief at Marvel comics, famously instructed all his writers and artists to adhere to several clear rules in creating a coherent narrative along a pleasing arch from conflict to resolution in each and every story
1) introduce the characters properly;These rules are simply a watered-down variation on Aristotle's Poetics, the worlds first dramatic theory, and reconstitute timeless advice on effective storytelling.
2) Establish their situation;
3) introduce the conflict;
4) Build the suspense;
5) Reach the climax of the story;
6) Achieve a resolution. In effect,
Another Marvel stalwart, Roy Thomas, who took over from Stan Lee as editor in chief, injected superhero adventures with knowing references to classical history and playful winks to pop culture, helping create a veritable smorgasbord of literary allusions for fans and scholars alike to mine muzu.
วันศุกร์ที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Learning History with Supes
American author and historian Bradford W. Wright has noted that "comic books are history", and that they are. And as they invariably help shape their young fans views of culture and history, teachers seeking to engage their students about 20th century history have a natural ally in superheroes. There are few landmark events of recent global history - be it the Vietnam War, the "flower power" counter-culture revolution or the fall of the Berlin Wall - that have not received ample attention in comic books. Admittedly, comics feature phantasmagorical plotlines and often take plenty of liberties with historical facts.
Nonetheless, they do draw inspiration from real-world events. For instance, Captain America, who first appeared in 1941 and came of age as a patriotic US soldier fighting Nazi Germany during the Second World War, is a natural for sparking his young fans curiosity about the period. So is superman, the granddaddy of superheroes. Dreamed up by two Jewish American high school students - budding writer Jerry Siegel end his friend Joe Snuster, an aspiring illustrator - in a flamboyant feat of teenage wish fulfilment, The Man of Steel burst onto the scene in June 1938, blazing the trail for all the other superheroes to follow in his wake.
Right from the get-go, he set out to tackle current problems, In that very first story by Siegel and Shyster in Action Comics #1, which would become a template for all subsequent superhero adventures, superman proved himself an indomitable social activist in the spirit of the eras New Deaf launched by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt: be took on slumlords, crooked businessmen and shady politicians - all within just 18 pages. superman never looked back. Over time The Man of Steel, aka The Man of Tomorrow, aka the Big Blue Boy Scout, aka the Last Son of Krypton, would acquire new powers - X-ray vision, freeze breath, laser gaze - but in his essence he has remained staunchly unadulterated ever since: an incorruptible do-gooder who always acts as a benevolent elder brother to his earthling friends. In the hands of a series of writers and artists who have long taken over from Siegel and Shuster at DC Comics, superman has kept up his moralistic crusade with his bet causes reflecting the particular tears, worries and aspirations of each succeeding era and generation.
In this, he has been in lockstep with all the other greet Comic book heroes: from Batman, who first appeared in i989, to Spider-Man, who was created by the legendary Stan Lee in 1962. With his inimitable collaborator, the artist Jack Kirby, Lee also helped create The Fantastic Four, The X-Men, Iron Man, Thor and the Hulk, and be was esoecialiy attuned to the seismic shifts in popular moods throughout his long career at Marvel Comics.
Lee made a point ot ensuring that the adventures and moralising tendencies of Marvel's nerves reflected contemporary issues and concerns; civil rights and scientific progress in the 1960's, nuclear proliferation and anti-war sennmemts on the 1970s, gay rights and rampant drug abuse in the 1980s, with Kirby, Lee also created the Hast African American superhero, the Black Panther, m tees, In their Fantastic Four stones, meanwhile, the two set out to tackle popular prejudices head-on in the characters of the eponymous teenage mutants who are each blessed with their Own special powers yet are stunned by society for being different.
Like many an angstridden teen, characters like Wolverine, Nightcrawier, Storm and Shaolowcat are outsiders on the margins of society yearning for acceptance. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman, who was created in 1941, helped bias the trail for female empowerment in the 1940s, 50s and60s by embodying a strong, independent-minded woman who pasted her male adversaries with nonchalant ease. Throughout her long career, many a girls favourite heroine helped lead an AlD awareness campaign and featured on the Cover of the first issue of Ms.
Magazine, launched by feminist icon Gloria Steinem in 1972. Both inside the classroom and outside it, these heroes can help history - and the teaching of it - come alive for students at various ages and levels of education. Teachers can explore how contemporary comic books align with or deviate from actual historical events, how they taclkle contemporary social issues and how they reflect trends in popular culture in an interdisciplinary approach tailored to students' age and level of education, from primary school all the way up to university.
วันอังคารที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557
cover new สามีตีตรา เนื้อเพลง
ฉันก็รักของฉัน (เพลงประกอบละคร สามีตีตรา)
ฉันก็รักของฉัน (เพลงประกอบละคร สามีตีตรา) (นิว) เสียใจคนคนนี้ไม่ใช่ของเธอ ได้โปรดอย่ามาข้องแวะกันอีก ฉันหวังว่าคงเข้าใจ เพราะมันคือสิทธิ์ของฉันที่จะเรียกร้อง ขอให้เธอจงไปไกลไกล ไม่ต้องมาเจอ อย่ามาใกล้เขาได้ไหม * (นิว,จิ๋ว) ฉันก็รักของฉัน เข้าใจบ้างไหม ฉันมีสิทธิ์จะรักไม่ผิดใช่ไหม เธอก็น่าจะรู้มันเจ็บเพียงใด เหมือนโดนกรีดหัวใจถ้าเธอแย่งไปครอง ฉันก็รักของฉัน เข้าใจบ้างไหม เธอมีสิทธิ์อะไรมาบอกให้ทำใจ ฉันก็รัก จนจะเป็นจนจะตาย เธอไม่ต้อง เธอไม่ต้อง มาทำลายความรักเรา (จิ๋ว) เสียใจคนอย่างฉันก็มีหัวใจ ก็เจ็บก็ทนได้เหมือนกับเธอ ฉันหวังว่าคงเข้าใจ ถ้าเธอจะมาเรียกร้อง ให้เข้าใจเธอ แล้วฉันล่ะจะเป็นยังไง เมื่อไม่มีใคร เธอจะเจ็บแทนฉันไหม ( * ) (นิว,จิ๋ว) ไม่เธอกับฉันต้องมีสักคนเป็นคนไป อยู่ที่ว่าใครจะทนไม่ไหว ทนไม่ไหว.. ( * )
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Getting them to read again
วันเสาร์ที่ 15 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557
Online Brains in the making
Minds in a FLUX
Popular games like Angry Birds, a constant stream of cute and funny YouTube videos, intrusive social media platforms like LINE and WhatsApp - they are all \/ying for youngsters attention seemingly every minute of every day. This electronic glut has some benefits, yes For instance, parents can stay in touch with their children and monitor their activities with ease through smartphone apps and instant phone calls alike.
With increased digltisation, however, has come something rather less beneficial: ever-shrinking attention spans. These days most of us seem to suffer from the kind of fleeting cognitive focus that one might tend to associate with fruit flies. Many of us, youngsters especially, barely seem to have enough time in a day for checking out all those YouTube videos and for uploading a few more dozen selfies to Facebook or LINE. Sc inevitably, old habits like staying focused on tasks and paying attention to details must give. As for books, reading is, you know, so yesterday.
Sound gloomy? It should. It not just that our habits are changing, rather, the very neural oirouitries of cur brains - especially those of younger children - may be getting rewired and reprogrammed. Brains are malleable things. Even older people who once grew up reading books may find that, thanks to the instant allure of all those distractions literally at their Hngertips, they can no longer immerse themselves in lengthier texts for sustained periods of time. Their minds may start to wander and they may begin to turn fidgety within minutes. They may then find themselves checking their Facebook page just one more time or playing a few more rounds of Angry Birds or Plants vs Zombies 2 That book can wait . And wait.. And wait...